Parents & Tots
All parents and caregivers with babies, toddlers or preschoolers are invited to join us for this drop-in time that includes free play, music and story time, a simple craft/play dough, and time for conversation and support.

W@K - Hugh Donnelly & Friends
Hugh Donnelly & Friends will entertain us with some good Irish tunes along with stories of the country that gave rise to the songs. St. Patrick's Day has traditionally been around the music of the Emerald Isle and it’s a tradition we are happy to continue .

Parents & Tots
All parents and caregivers with babies, toddlers or preschoolers are invited to join us for this drop-in time that includes free play, music and story time, a simple craft/play dough, and time for conversation and support.
Music Scholars Benefit Concert
In Perfect Harmony: A Scholars Benefit Concert
Come and enjoy an evening of music and entertainment with the Knox Waterloo Music Scholars! Featuring:
Veronica Champagne
Maggie Donnelly
Cassidy Hengartner
El Lambert
Vlad Mlotschek
Show your support with optional cash or e-Transfer donations at the door.

W@K - Roxanna Williams
Roxanna Williams works in Regulatory Affairs at Grand River Foods (Cambridge and Waterloo). Roxanna will discuss what’s on a food label, along with a discussion on Canadian Package requirements.

Parents & Tots
All parents and caregivers with babies, toddlers or preschoolers are invited to join us for this drop-in time that includes free play, music and story time, a simple craft/play dough, and time for conversation and support.

W@K - David Gascoigne
David Gascoigne (a.k.a. The Bird Man) will talk to us about the birds found in the Waterloo Region. You may be surprised by the diversity! There are many good spots to find them which are not too far from home. David’s beautiful photography, extensive knowledge and love of the natural world are legendary at W@K.

W@K - Dave Worsely
Dave Worsely is co-owner of Words Worth Books, a cultural gem in Uptown Waterloo. “Words Worth Books has been at the heart of vibrant Uptown Waterloo for nearly 40 years. Not only is the store a valuable resource for procuring unique, quality books and magazines of all descriptions, but we provide the region with a thriving cultural drop-in centre for arts and literature-related community events.”

Parents & Tots
All parents and caregivers with babies, toddlers or preschoolers are invited to join us for this drop-in time that includes free play, music and story time, a simple craft/play dough, and time for conversation and support.

W@K - Bonnie Sitter
Bonnie Sitter will share the story of Bill and Helen Wright and their children who lived on CPR School Car #2. The method of teaching isolated children in Northern Ontario, using converted rail cars, is a largely unknown story and their memories are sure to interest educators and history buffs.

Youth Conversation
The Senior High youth and there mentors will gather for conversation about different forms of prayer, then to work on their joint art project representing the different images of God.

Parents & Tots
All parents and caregivers with babies, toddlers or preschoolers are invited to join us for this drop-in time that includes free play, music and story time, a simple craft/play dough, and time for conversation and support.

W@K - Nemira Parpia
Nemira Parpia is the owner of the Tadpole Children’s Shoppe. Last year she gave us a presentation on her life as a refugee from Uganda. This time Nemira will take us through some basic Chair Yoga moves. We all need to do activities like yoga and exercise to keep us moving.

W@K - Kevin Thomason
Kevin Thomason, Vice-Chair, Grand River Environmental Network, will speak about the fight for farmland as well as the network’s environmental work in the Grand River Watershed.

W@K - Linda Lee
Dr. Linda Lee - MINT Memory Clinic, is a family physician with expertise in caring for the elderly. Dr. Lee recognized gaps in care for people with memory difficulties, including dementia. Together with her team in Kitchener-Waterloo, she created MINT Memory Clinics: an integrated, team-based model that helps build capacity and improve access to highquality memory care.

W@K - Denis Longchamps
Denis Longchamps, Executive Director & Chief Curator, Canadian Clay & Glass Gallery, will speak to us about what the gallery does and what is coming up for 2025, including an Indigenous ceramic exhibition and one on homelessness; as well as some special programs such as Sharing Experiences and Gather at the Gallery (55+).

W@K - Janice Harper
Janice Harper is a local historian who previously spoke to us about the early history of Waterloo. Janice will present a more recent history project that covers innovative technology here in Waterloo before Blackberry. She feels that this is Waterloo’s best-kept secret.

W@K - Kelly Corriveau
“Kellea Corriveau has been a ray of sunshine in the lives of many, not just locally, but across the globe. She has spent time In Cambodia, painting, doing health checks, and supporting garment workers; and in Tanzania where she helped at a local school with a ready smile and a genuine caring heart despite language barriers.” Kellea will speak about her most recent trip to Guatemala.