Young Adults
Young Adult Gatherings
Young Adults between the ages of 18 and 35ish meet once a month (last Sunday of the month between September and May) to foster a space to engage in progressive and inclusive theological conversation; a safe and brave space where no questions are off limits; a space where doubt is ok, where questions are welcomed, where differing views are embraced, where unpacking controversial and challenging issues is not shied away from, where we can all explore together.
Student Contact Program
The student contact program reaches out to students, especially away from home, with notes, cards and care packages throughout the school year. To find out more about this ministry contact our Student Contact Program coordinator.
Did you know?
According to studies, millennials who have a close relationship with an adult in the church - outside of their minister - are more than twice as likely to stay connected to the church than those who do not have a relationship.
Relationships matter!