
God’s Love includes everyone!
As an inclusive, affirming congregation, we honour the diversity of God’s creation. Our community is richer when we include people of all ages, gender identities, racial and cultural backgrounds, sexual orientations, abilities, economic circumstances and family configurations. We seek to provide a safe space so that each person can bring every aspect of their whole self into participation within this congregation. We invite all to join into the life, leadership, witness and ministry of Knox Waterloo.
This statement was adopted by Knox Waterloo on September 27, 2016.
Anti-Black Racism
Our hearts break at the ongoing existence of systemic anti-Black racism, brought to light once again, by the horrific death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. This event, and too many similar events throughout North America compel us to speak.
We deeply regret that the church has too frequently remained silent about racial injustice. We have much to learn about the role our white privilege has played in perpetuating inequity in our nation.
We recognize the courageous acts of those who have helped and continue to help heighten society’s awareness of the ongoing problem of racism. Sadly, it is often those who work so hard to dismantle oppressive attitudes and systems that are most affected. Anger, rage, and helplessness have been expressed along with calls of lament and for action and for justice. Black lives matter, and to say anything other rejects the biblical affirmation that all are lovingly made in the image of God.
Members of Black, Indigenous, and other communities in Ontario regularly experience incidents of aggression, discrimination and even violence. Recent events have reminded us again of the work yet required to eliminate systemic racism that is based on white supremacy.
As a congregation dedicated to inclusion in all areas, we condemn all racially motivated discriminatory actions and attitudes. In his ministry, Jesus recognized the dignity of all people and spoke openly against the systems of oppression which denied such dignity. We are called to follow in his footsteps.
We stand with all who have experienced prejudiced or racist attitudes or behaviours and we commit to work in solidarity with those who are peacefully shaping a world built on equality, justice and love. Along with many other religious groups, our denomination (The Presbyterian Church in Canada) has also issued an anti-racism statement. You can also read the Moderator’s Reflections of Anti-Black Racism.
This statement was adopted by Knox Waterloo on June 9, 2020