Original Church Building
Locally, our roots go back to 1888 when a small group of interested people felt it would be a good idea to form a Distinct Congregation in Waterloo. Until this time, Presbyterians, living in Waterloo attended St. Andrew’s Church in Kitchener(Berlin). The property was selected on George Street in Waterloo. The new church was erected and the Cornerstone laid in June of 1888. It was to be named St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church. The first minister called to the pulpit was the Reverend A.E. Mitchell. The membership continued to grow and flourish.
Second Church Building
It wasn’t until after the Church Union Movement in 1925, when the Presbyterians wanted to remain a separate denomination, that Knox Presbyterian Church was formed. Property was purchased, the church was erected and the cornerstone for the new church was laid in June of 1927. The first Minister of the newly formed church was the Reverend W.G. Richardson. In 1939 the first pipe organ was installed.
Third Church Building
In 1957, a new and larger Sanctuary was built along with more class rooms. This resulted in much needed space for the Sunday School and the many groups that were forming within the church family. An addition was built in 1977 to provide more office space and expanded foyer entrance way.
Fourth Church Building
In 2011, a new church building was erected on the former parking lot. The current parking lot is the former foundation of the previous building.

During the 60s and 70s, women were filling significant leadership roles in the Church. When a young woman from our congregation approached the Session with her desire to enter the ministry, the request led to the denomination’s discussion, debate and final decision to ordain women to the Ministry of Word and Sacrament as well as Ruling Elders. Knox was one of the first churches to elect and ordain Women Elders. Through the years, Knox Presbyterian Church has seen many dedicated leaders minister to the Church and its people as well as taking leadership roles in the community.
If you have questions or “tidbits” of information to add to our history, please feel free to email us at any time! We look forward to hearing from you.
The roots of the Presbyterian Church of Canada date back to the 16th century and the Reformation in Europe. At that time the Reformed (Presbyterian) Church came in to being under the leadership of Jean Calvin (of France) and John Knox (of Scotland). The Reformed Church spread through France, Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Scotland, Hungary, as well as other countries to a lesser extent. Presbyterianism was established in Canada by Huguenot (French), Scottish and Irish pioneers. The first worship service was held in 1604 among the Acadians. In 1875 the Presbyterian Church in Canada was formed through the amalgamation of five smaller branches of Presbyterianism. Today we have over 1,000 congregations, with our membership exhibiting the same ethnic diversity we find in our country today.
Read about the history behind ‘The Last Supper’ carving located in the lounge by the main entrance.