If it is not possible for you to join us in person, you can also worship with us online!
Sundays @10am EST
You can find recordings of past services on the Knox Waterloo YouTube channel.
Radio Ministry
At the March 2, 2025 Knox Annual Meeting, the congregation decided to discontinue the radio ministry (CKWR 98.5) due to the high annual expense. The final broadcast of a service of worship at Knox will be on March 16, 2025. This difficult decision was made after consultation with the congregation and listeners. As more people are transitioning to live-streaming for worship services, Knox is developing plans to assist those who have relied on the radio to worship online. Donations of iPads are already being received by the office. Please speak with any of the elders at Knox if you have any questions about this decision.
Our gratitude goes out to the many individuals who over the past several decades have supported this ministry through their prayers and gifts.
Did you know?
Our Knox community gathers to worship physically in the sanctuary, and also virtually through live-streaming and watching later on YouTube. We had over 4,000 live-streamed views in 2024, which equates to roughly 60 real-time households a week.