Children and Youth

Nurturing the Faith Formation of Children and Youth is one of our core values and priorities at Knox. We believe that the faith journey can begin at the earliest of ages. Through Biblically based lessons, the role modeling of teachers, as well as fun, inclusive and creative classes, we hope to instill a vital and growing faith in Jesus Christ.

We believe that children are the church of today as well as the church of the future.They are at the heart of our community. Children and youth are integral in all aspects of worship and life at Knox Waterloo. We have an active Sunday School program that spans from nursery level to the end of high school and we host a well-attended Vacation Bible Camp every summer.

Our Junior High and Senior High ministries provide opportunities for fellowship, mission trips, camp leadership and service projects.

Faith Formation Director
Carole Clyde-Ellis

Carole Clyde-Ellis

Sunday School (K-Gr. 6)

Children K-6 are invited to join their family in the sanctuary for the beginning of worship (about 15 minutes). After the intergenerational story time (Fun with the Young at Heart) the children will follow their Sunday school teacher out to participate in Sunday school for the rest of the service.

We use the Feasting on the Word curriculum for Sunday school. It is a lectionary-based curriculum that follows the same theme and stories that are explored in the worship services.  

Youth Ministry

Our Senior High Youth (Grades 9-12) gather once a month on Sunday evenings for faith-based conversations often including interactive activities. 

Intergenerational Worship & Pray-ground

Throughout the year we have several intergenerational worship services on Sunday mornings where all-ages worship together and the children and youth help to lead the service.  These services are interactive and explore scripture and themes through drama, prayer, storytelling and music. On these Sundays, we also have a pray-ground set up at the front of the sanctuary for children or anyone young at heart with interactive worship related activities.


LOGOS is a mid-week intergenerational ministry that has been going on for over 30 years at Knox Waterloo.  In LOGOS, we have cross-generational gatherings, where young people and adults eat together, play together, study the bible together, and worship together.

Vacation Bible Camp (VBC)

VBC takes place the second week of July every summer. VBC is an ecumenical ministry supported through a partnership between Knox Waterloo Presbyterian Church, Waterloo North Mennonite Church, and Stirling Avenue Mennonite Church. The theme for 2025 is Waves of Wonder.