
Your financial support makes the ministry and mission of Knox Waterloo possible.
Thank you for your generosity!
Donations of $20 or more annually will receive a tax receipt at tax time.
How can you give?
Interac e-Transfer
Give right now!
Send your e-Transfer to knox@knoxwaterloo.ca. If this if your first time giving, send us your email address so we can issue an income tax receipt.
Cash or cheque
We welcome cash or cheque offerings. Donation boxes are placed in the atrium for Sunday services. Offerings can also be dropped off at the church office.
Debit or credit
We accept debit, Visa or Mastercard offerings. Drop by the office or give us a call to arrange a donation.
Pre-authorized Contributions to Knox (P.A.C.K.) allows Knox to monthly withdraw a preset amount from your bank account or credit card. Register with this form.
Stocks and Securities
Set up a gift of stocks, bonds or mutual funds using this form.
Planned giving
Discover all the ways to make a living legacy gift through wills, gifts of securities, annuities, life insurance, and life beneficiary gifts.
Why should you give?
We are called as Christians to be good stewards of all that God has so generously given to us. Giving is an expression of faith. Our congregation values generosity, which includes gifts of our time, our talent and our treasure as we seek to grow spiritually, numerically and financially. Our generosity springs from our gratitude. Our givings reflect the principle of “equal sacrifice, not equal gifts.”
Giving to God is an act of worship and thanksgiving. God’s grace touches our hearts and lives – and those around us – as we grow into the image of the greatest giver of all. The foundation of generous giving is found in the Bible.
Give generously
Giving grows out of the joyous recognition that all we have comes from God. It is a response to God’s grace.
2 Chronicles 29:14; 2 Corinthians 9:12
Give Cheerfully
Give, not until it hurts, but until it feels good. Giving is a joyful act.
2 Corinthians 9:7
Give Freely
We give, not because we have to but because we want to.
2 Corinthians 9:7
Give Proportionally
We give a percentage of what we have according to what we have been given.
2 Corinthians 8:12
Give off the top
As an expression of trust in God, we give off the top of our income instead of what is left.
Proverbs 3:9
Give regularly
We grow in generosity when we develop the habit of regular giving.
1 Corinthians 16:2
Knox Generosity Statement
At Knox Waterloo,
our understanding of generosity
is rooted in a theology of God
as loving and generous.
We recognize that everything we have
— past, present and future —
is a gift from God.
And we are grateful!
We wish to steward God’s blessings with integrity and compassion,
joyfully reflecting God’s
radical and inclusive love
as we live generously.
As followers of Christ,
we are called to embody
God’s selfless love
through acts of generosity
towards others.
By giving of our
time, talents, and financial resources,
we participate in the
outpouring of God’s transformative love, seeking to bring about
healing, hope, and restoration
for all people.