Adult Study: Lent
Courtney will be offering an in-person 8-week Lent Study entitled “The Hardest Part: hurt we carry, hope we find” based on a resource by Kate Bowler. Life is this strange, tender mix, isn’t it? Joy and sorrow. Love and loss. Big wins and even bigger failures. Life can be too much. And Lent is the season where we sit in that heaviness. For 40 days, we stop pretending things will suddenly get better and face the truth: life is fragile, and so are we.
You are welcome to come for the whole series or as you can. Hybrid can be made available upon request. If you aren’t able to come to the study but are interested in access to some of the resources and accompanying podcasts, etc, please reach out to Courtney.
Wednesdays from 1:15-2:30 pm
March 5th to April 23rd
Knox Waterloo in the lounge
Week 1: Being Human (2 Corinthians 5:20-6:10)
Week 2: Terrible & Beautiful (Luke 4:1-14)
Week 3: Lament (Luke:13:31-35)
Week 4: Imagination (Isaiah 55:1-12)
Week 5: Wisdom (2 Corinthinians 5:16-21)
Week 6: Love (John 12:1-8)
Week 7: Living (Luke 19:28-40)
Week 8: Believing (John 20:11-18)