Knox Waterloo is an inclusive, dynamic, affirming and forward-thinking community of Christian faith.
Join us for worship Sundays at 10 am in-person, livestream and on radio.
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Worship with us each Sunday at 10 am.
Other events (concerts, conferences, funerals, weddings) as scheduled.

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Upcoming Events


Summer Sunday School

Summer Sunday School Summer Sunday School will be offered in July and August as a combined class, with the exception of long weekends (August 4, September 1) The nursery and

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God’s love includes everyone!

As an inclusive, affirming congregation, we honour the diversity of God’s creation. Our community is richer when we include people of all ages, gender identities, racial and cultural backgrounds, sexual orientations, abilities, economic circumstances and family configurations. We invite all to join into the life, leadership, witness and ministry of Knox Waterloo.

Statement on Anti-racism

As a congregation dedicated to inclusion in all areas, we condemn all racially motivated discriminatory actions and attitudes.​ In his ministry, Jesus recognized the dignity of all people and spoke openly against the systems of oppression which denied such dignity. We are called to follow in his footsteps.

Committed to Truth, Healing & Reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples

In humility, Knox Waterloo along with The Presbyterian Church in Canada calls for a time of prayer and lament to honour the lives of those children whose graves were found, and for all family, friends and communities who have lost loved ones through the Indian Residential School system—for whom this news opens fresh wounds. We also call for a time of reflection and recommitment to reconciliation.