Music Director: Mary-Catherine Pazzano
To find out more about the music ministries contact our Music Director.
 Music helps to lift the souls of worshippers and provides a beautiful way for people to voice their love and praise of God.

Our congregation enjoys all styles of music in worship. Each week
we experience both traditional and contemporary forms of music. Our Chancel Choir, Praise Band, Music Scholars, and themed music help this to happen, through anthems and leading the congregational singing. We welcome any and all newcomers to each of our music groups!

Chancel Choir

Rehearses Thursdays at 7:30 pm 

The Chancel Choir participates in the morning worship services and church
concerts. In addition, the Christmas Cantata is a beloved annual tradition. Come on out for evenings of fun, fellowship, and music. We’re grateful for the leadership of our Wilfrid Laurier University and University of Waterloo music scholars in this group. We also welcome professional soloists and guest musicians. We are very blessed to be part of the rich musical community of Kitchener-Waterloo.

Praise Band

Praise Band
Rehearses most Tuesdays at 8:30 pm

Our Praise Band participates in worship services at various points
throughout the year and often performs more contemporary songs. Our Praise Band includes youth and young adult members sharing their multitudes of musical gifts: singing, playing guitar, violin, piano, etc. They are always open to new people joining them. Our Praise Band is currently lead by one of our music  scholars, Cassidy Hengartner, with the help of previous leader Jotham Sennema.

Music Scholars' Program

In 1987, we began to bless our worship and music with the Music Scholars’ Program. The gift of having leadership and inspiration from talented and studious music scholars is deeply appreciated by all, so much so that over the years this program has been well supported by the special gifts of many of our worshippers. We are blessed with five scholars who are an integral part of our music and worship. Our Choir and the Praise Band have benefited greatly by sharing the talent and encouragement of each scholar. We are very fortunate that our Music Director Mary–Catherine Pazzano is well connected to the music scene in Kitchener-Waterloo and is always able to find the perfect scholar to fit our needs. We provide modest honorariums to each scholar. Gifts to support this ministry are welcome at any time.
Music Scholar 2
Current Music Scholars
Veronica Champagne | Alto Scholar
  • University of Waterloo Music Grad & Bachelor of Education student at Wilfrid Laurier University
Cassidy Hengartner | Soprano Choral Scholar, Praise Band Leader
  • Music Major at Wilfrid Laurier University
El Lambert | Piano  Scholar
  • Music Major at Wilfrid Laurier University
Vlad Mlotschek | Bass Choral Scholar
  • Music Major at Conrad Grebel University College (University of Waterloo)

Maggie Donnelly | Alto Choral Scholar