Knox Waterloo promotes a Care and Belonging model of ministry. Overseen by The Knox Care Team, we seek to build connected relationships with one another and to provide links to pastoral and practical care and support within the Knox community. Our Care Connector can link you to supports like friendly visits, pastoral care, the prayer chain, and meal support, for example. We can also help you to access the many opportunities that are available for your involvement here at Knox.

Retirement Home Ministry

Retirement Home

Knox provides worship teams to lead monthly services at eight retirement/nursing homes in the Waterloo Region. If you would like to be part of a worship team in the Retirement Home Ministry, please reach out to Knox.

Women's Circle of Care

women circle of care apple crisp 2

Women’s Circle of Care provides food for funerals and special events at the church, as well as being involved in providing leadership and food for the church bazaar.  

Caring Kitchen

Caring Kitchen 2

The Caring Kitchen gathers teams of volunteers together from the church to cook meals for those in need in our community. This ministry is one way we show God’s love by  providing care and nourishment for those in need. If you would like to be part of this caring ministry, please contact us.

Meal Train Ministry

meal train 1

Knox’s Meal Train Ministry provides a meal to those who need a little bit of extra support. A warm homemade meal offers relief and love during times of struggle, grief and/or illness. 

If you are interested in being on our contact list to provide a meal when needed, please contact Knox.

Lenten Links

Lenten Links

The Lenten Links ministry is active during the season of Lent by reaching out, supporting, and connecting with various people in our congregation. Care packages of plants, cards, baked goods, meals, and children’s artwork are prepared. The care packages are delivered to those who are feeling disconnected, struggling, grieving, or overwhelmed.

Prayer Shawl Ministry


Knox’s prayer shawl ministry provides comfort for those who are ill, going through a difficult time, or grieving.  Prayer shawls are tangible symbols of love. They are warm hugs of empathy and support; a private place of escape in which to rest, relax, and renew; something to hold on to when all else seems to be slipping away. Prayer begins in the heart and the creation of a prayer shawl is a spiritual journey of prayer for the shawl maker.