If you don’t see the information below that you are seeking, consider using the ‘search’ function at the top right corner of each webpage or feel free to email us at Knox using the ‘Contact Us’ section at the bottom of this page. We look forward to hearing from you! 

Where can I park at Knox?

On Sunday, parking is available in the parking lot off Dupont Street (across from the Waterloo Public Library). If the lot is full, parking is available at the Waterloo Public Library.

When is the Church Office open?

Regular Office Hours:

  • Monday to Thursday: 9 am – 4 pm

Summer Office Hours (June/July/August):

  • Monday to Thursday: 9:00 am – 1 pm
When is Communion celebrated at Knox?

Communion is typically celebrated the first Sunday of the month, although there are other times that the sacrament is shared too.