About Knox


We acknowledge that Knox Waterloo is located on the traditional territory of the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee and Attawandaron Peoples. We seek a renewed relationship with our neighbours, one that is based on honour and deep respect. We give thanks for the ability to gather, work and worship here.

Who We Are 

Knox Waterloo is an inclusive, dynamic, affirming and forward- thinking congregation. We seek to grow and nurture our love for, and our faith, hope and trust in, Jesus Christ.

At Knox Waterloo, we believe that God’s love includes everyone. Our ministries provide opportunities for all to experience and share the good news of Jesus.

Core Values

  • We believe our church is “reformed and still reforming,” and so we recognize the importance of prayerful questioning, innovation and excellence.
  • We value diversity, compassion, generosity and service to others as we seek to respond faithfully to the changing needs of our congregation, our community and our world.
  • We welcome all ages, gender identities, racial and cultural backgrounds, sexual orientations, abilities, economic circumstances, and family configurations, as we seek to provide a safe space for each person to fully participate in the life and mission of the church.
  • Our congregation values generosity, which includes gifts of our time, our talent and our treasure as we seek to grow spiritually, numerically and financially. Our generosity springs from our gratitude. Our givings reflect the principle of “equal sacrifice, not equal gifts.”
  • Relying on the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we are committed to open, transparent and responsive dialogue that is engaging, accessible and shared using multiple relevant forms of communication.
  • We affirm everyone in their faith and life journey emphasizing the importance of our children and youth as full participants in the life, worship and work of our congregation, celebrating their creativity, enthusiasm and energy.